How you find us

Dorfstraße 71
6450 Sölden

Opening hours

Today, 25th April 2024
09.00 am to 12.00 pm

+43 (0) 5254 30399

Your tel. number
for appointments & info.

I twisted my knee.

X-ray diagnostics

"I twisted my knee."
"Perhps my wrist is broken."
"I hit my shoulder."

In many cases pain would occur quite a time after an accident. Things that didn't bother you too much at first glance might cause considerable complaints in the evening or the day after. The practice of Dr. Gamper and Dr. Drapela specialises in all kinds of sports injuries. With our digital X-ray machine and MRI scanner (magnetic resonance tomography) we instantly will have the right diagnosis and can start treatment.



specialist for
sports medicine